Tech Corner
French Process ZnO vs. American Process ZnO
A recent study by Smithers Laboratories concluded that French Process (FP) zinc oxide outperforms both American Process (AP) zinc oxide as well as commercial blends on a variety of key metrics. Overview of Key Findings • AP performed 10% worse than FP on the Goodrich Flexometer Blowout times. • Cure time with
Zinc Found to Play an Important Role in Lung Fibrosis
Cedars-Sinai Research Shows Targeting a Newly Identified Molecular Pathway With a Common Mineral Could Help Reverse Lung Damage in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients Investigators from the Women’s Guild Lung Institute at Cedars-Sinai have discovered that zinc, a common mineral, may reverse lung damage and improve survival for patients with a deadly age-related
A deep dive into Zochem’s USP/FDA-approved products.
As an extension of Zochem’s industry-leading health, safety, and wellness culture, Zochem offers four different USP or FDA-approved zinc oxide products for every need. If you use zinc oxide in any manufacturing process, you may wonder about what makes these products different from other Zochem zinc oxide products. USP (United
Zochem Continually Improves 325 Mesh Retains in Zinc Oxide
An important specification parameter in the determination of zinc oxide (ZnO) quality is the 325 mesh or 44 micron (µm) sieve test. Testing for oversized zinc oxide particles is accomplished by passing the powder through a screen that has openings precisely calibrated in microns. Figure 1 below shows a 325